Christchurch Ready Mix Concrete hold a number of Resource Consents for the manufacture of high-quality aggregates and concrete from all of its plants. We also hold resource consents for the relevant discharges from these operations. Copies of these can be obtained on request.
Christchurch Ready Mix Concrete can manage cementitious material and high pH (alkaline) water. The construction of large water recycling and retention ponds in the second half of 2017 has introduced a vast improvement to the water management on the Belfast site. This has removed the need to discharge any high pH water to the river.
In 2022 Christchurch Ready Mix Concrete was awarded the status of ‘Stormwater Superhero’ due to our efforts to keep waterways clean. The awards are organised by the Christchurch West Melton Water Zone Committee, and aim to recognise and celebrate good stormwater practice across industrial workplaces.
This was achieved by retrofitting zero discharge to stormwater, wastewater, and sediment management systems at the Branston Street site, Hornby.
The containment, collection, and treatment of stormwater and wastewater from the site enables all water to be re-used for truck washing and concrete making – meaning no discharge to council water systems.
To deal with the waste concrete from our customers, Christchurch Ready Mix Concrete have traditionally used Recycled Crushed Concrete as a component in the Crushed All Passing Products.